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Imagem destaque de The Document Foundation Imagem destaque de The Document Foundation
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The Document Foundation

LibreOffice is developed by The Document Foundation (TDF), a non-profit organization based in Germany. Founded in 2010, TDF promotes open-source software by continuing the work of the OpenOffice community to provide a free and compatible alternative to Microsoft Office. LibreOffice includes applications like Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), and Impress (presentations), all designed to ensure document compatibility and support the Open Document Format (ODF).

App destaque

Imagem destaque de LibreOffice
Ícone de LibreOffice
A melhor alternativa gratuita ao Microsoft Office.
2.2 M downloads
Ícone de LibreOffice
A melhor alternativa gratuita ao Microsoft Office.
200.9 k downloads
Ícone de LibreOffice Portable
Leve no bolso seu programa de processamento de texto
168.1 k downloads

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