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Imagem destaque de Dewmobile, Inc. Imagem destaque de Dewmobile, Inc.
Ícone de Dewmobile, Inc.

Dewmobile, Inc.

Dewmobile, Inc. is an Internet technology company focused on app development for the global market. We have employees around the world working closely with their target markets so that we can provide the best service possible. We firmly believe that one of the fundamental parts of being human is the ability to share, and we are determined to make file sharing accessible to everyone.

Our core product, Zapya, makes sharing easier by creating a network for people near and far to share everything from files to fun. Users no longer need to rely on a cable or USB key to share files with others when they do not have a strong Internet or cellular data connection.
Ícone de Zapya Air Hockey

Mais aplicativos de Dewmobile, Inc.

Ícone de Zapya WebShare
Uma fabulosa plataforma e ferramenta de transferência de arquivos